
Settlement is a two-way process, requiring adjustment on the part of both newcomers and host communities. In the last two decades, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has recognized the need for developing new strategies and structures to address newcomer settlement at the community level.

Local Immigration Partnerships (LIPs), first funded by IRCC in Ontario in 2008, allow for broad engagement of diverse stakeholders to develop a collective community response to newcomer needs. LIPs do not provide services directly to immigrants, but rather foster and strengthen collaboration between community partners aimed at improving immigrant outcomes and making communities more welcoming and inclusive.

There are more than 50 LIPs across Canada with 18 LIPs funded in British Columbia. Over the last several years, a significant body of research has demonstrated that these innovative partnerships are successful in improving settlement services coordination, engagement of diverse community partners and newcomer success.

The publications below provide more information about LIPs and the development of more welcoming and inclusive communities.

Research Framework. Welcoming and Inclusive Communities and Workplaces Program

This report sets out a conceptual framework and research agenda to support a core aspect of the Welcoming and Inclusive Communities and Workplaces Program (WICWP) initiative — issues related to building and sustaining welcoming and inclusive communities for immigrants and refugees. It also discusses program design elements involved in implementing the research agenda and knowledge exchange opportunities designed to derive optimal benefit from the research.

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Characteristics of a Welcoming Community. Welcoming Communities Initiative, 2010

This report provides a review of the current state of knowledge concerning welcoming communities and a description of key characteristics of a welcoming community. It is based on an extensive survey of the relevant scholarly literature, government (federal, provincial/territorial and municipal) and community reports, and descriptions of best practices and case examples from the public and private sectors.

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Local Immigration Partnerships Handbook, 2013

This handbook is intended to assist communities and IRCC staff in establishing Local Immigration Partnerships (LIPs) as a means of planning and coordination at the local level with municipal, provincial/ territorial and federal involvement.

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Analysis of LIP Strategic Plans -— Promising Practices, 2012

This report provides an overview of the second research phase, The Analysis of LIP Strategic Plans: Promising Practices, which included a search of Canadian and international literature covering the 2005–2011 time period to identify promising practices associated with the top five priorities confirmed by the LIPs. The study offers summary descriptions of promising practices for each of the five priority topics identified by each domain.

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LIP–Municipal Interactions and CIC's Strategic Interests, 2012

This report examines and describes the evolving relationship between local immigration partnerships and their municipal hosts. Four cities were chosen with a view to including northern communities whose primary interest lay in economic development and population attraction, larger southern cities characterized by more complex and elaborate bureaucracies, and LIPs characterized by a wide variety of administrative arrangements, especially insofar as the LIP–municipal relationship was concerned. For each of the four cities, the study sought to collect information about the goals of the LIP and the context in which it developed; about the municipal and LIP planning structures and their evolution as a result of the LIP; and about the LIP’s implementation and future prospects.

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